Hello from Otola
We're so glad you're thinking about sharing your voice on this platform.
Feeling a bit intimidated? No worries, you don’t have be a writer or an expert to share. There’s room for your voice, your experiences, your insights, and your stories right here on Otola. And our editing team is committed to making sure you look great.
Join the voices from around the world that are sharing their stories on this platform.
Readers and writers are all welcome to contribute and share.
Spend some time on our site, deactivate the goldfish syndrome, and reactivate your theta and alpha state.
Ummmm so yeah, we decided to remove Likes and Views. They’re cute, trendy, and they add a spot of color, but we thought it best to remove those visual elements. Why??? Because on Otola we’re really into neutralizing the Liking Culture, by elevating the voices of all.
Submission Guidelines
Otola welcomes submissions of all kinds, we’re sure they’ll link up with any of our categories.
All we ask is that submissions are exclusive to us and that they follow the guidelines we’ve established. There is no length requirement for your submitted content, but we do want to encourage you to fully dive into whatever you have to share, sometimes that can be lengthy and at other times, it may not be quite that long.
We ask that you do not submit articles that are already published or posted online.
Also, anonymous or pseudonymous submissions are not accepted or acceptable.
We do our best to read all submissions promptly and will contact you within 7 business days from the time your article is submitted. If you do not hear from us within 7-10 business days, it is safe to assume there is likely an issue/conflict with Otola's Guidelines, and we'll contact you using the email you provided to discuss.
Use the form below to submit your article, it’s the best way to get it directly to us.
Article or story submissions received using any other medium will not be accepted.
You can type it up in Word, Pages, Google Docs, or your preferred word processing software, then copy and paste it (plain text) in the associated section on the form below.
Excited to read what you have to say!
Questions??? Feel free to reach out to us at write@otola.co.